Trump's 'major meeting' on veterans affairs doesn't happen

A "major meeting" on veterans affairs slated for Friday evening that President Donald Trump publicly announced at the White House earlier in the day did not take place, according to pool reports.
Flanked by representatives of veterans groups, Trump said he would be meeting with members of the veterans affairs board at his Mar-a-Lago club on Friday evening, including Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter.
But Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, sitting to Trump's left, immediately indicated he would not be attending.
The White House did not respond to a question as to why the meeting did not occur.
A pool report late Friday confirmed "that the veterans meeting is not taking place tonight," assuring that more information would be provided Saturday. A Saturday pool report indicated Trump would be dining Saturday night with Perlmutter and his wife, with the dinner closed to press.
Perlmutter, an Israeli-American who served in the Israeli Army and who advises Trump on veterans affairs, has previously met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
